
torsdag 22 augusti 2019

SS-Hauptsturmführer Dr Ernst Gerlof vermisst 11.1944 in Tscherkassy

Dr Ernst Gerlof
Geboren: 28.11.1907 in Bramsche                                                           SS-Nr: 267 748
Vermisst : 17.2.1944 Tscherkassy                                                            NSDAP-Nr: 45 314

Rank Allgemeine-SS u Ref.Fhr d. Waffen-SS               
SS-HStuf:  9.11.43
SS-Ostuf:  30.1.41
SS-Ustuf:  1.8.40

Known awards                                                        
Winkeltrg, Julleuchter, SA-Sprt Abz Br.,  Ostmed, KvK II m.Schw.

Known Units SS: SS-Art.Rgt.5 ”Wiking” : 1941 – 1944
SS-Division ”Wiking” : 1941
SS-(E.) Germania : 1940 - 1941

Dr Ernst Gerlof joined the NSDAP as early as in 1926, but strange is that he didn´t get awards such as Gold.Parteiabz. or other high DAZ of the NSDAP. He joined the SS in 1932, unfortunately is his SS-PA rather thin and what unit he was attached to is unknown. In total his SS-PA consist only 2 pages. But he was married to Heinke and they had one son (34) and one daughter (38). His wife was also a member of the NSF and NSV. Dr Ernsr gerlof was also a member of the Lebensborn. Dr Gerlof joined the Waffen-SS just after the WWII started in 1939. He became MIA as Dentist attached to the SS-Art.Rgt.5 Wiking, obviously when the incircled German units in Tscherkassy breaked through the Russian lines.                 

At DRK Dr gerlofs birtjtown is listed as Erfde in Schleswig, but his SS-PA says Bramsche.                                                          

Source: A3343 SSO, Gerlof, Ernst Dr. DRK

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