
torsdag 5 september 2019

More will soon be published!

Hello all!

Im sorry that I havent published something New om My page lately. My work is in a hectic period plus that I tries to help others with info and photos.

If you have any special request of an MIA officer of the SS/Waffen-SS let me know and I will try to publish it soon.

I have a request to all My readers , can someone help me find in wich band of the Vermisste Bildlisten Dr Georg Greifenhahn is published. Last known whereabouts about him is Kriegsgefangenlager 7280 ( Stalino). I have serched every page dealing with Stalino, but without any luck. Maybe His ad ist listed under His unit wich is unknown to me. I only know His Allgemeine-SS unit. But he is listed as MIA as officer of the Wehrmacht.

Best regards

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