
lördag 22 februari 2020

SS-Untersturmführer Fritz Alfa Vermisst 3.1945


Fritz Alfa

DoB: 6.1.1909 in Nürnberg
Vermisst: 3.1945 Leobschütz

SS-Nr:  -
NSDAP: 4534160

SS-Ustuf: 26.10.44

Known Awards -  SA-Sport Abz. Bronze, Reichsport Abz. Bronze, KvK II. mit Schwerten, Ostmedaillie, Kraft.Bew.Abz. Bronze

7./SS-Pz.Gr.Rgt.40 : 1944 - 1945
Verwaltungsschule der SS in Dachau : 1944 als SS-Junker
SS-Werkstattkompanie 18 :  -1944
SS-T.-Einheit : 1940 -

Fritz Alfa was first in Sturmabteilung (SA) but in 1940 he was transfered from the SA to the SS, in where he served in to me uknown SS-Totenkopf unit. Unfortunately is his SS-Akt a bit thin and doesn´t show his service until in 1944.

Fritz was married and had two sons. It´s mostly likely that his wife put in the ad for him to the DRK. He is missing since march 1945.

Source A3343 SSO 007 Alfa, Fritz, Vermisstenbildliste der DRK.

Best regards

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