
Here I will write and announce which the info I am working on at the moment,

20240217 - First roll on A3343 for J published.

20230302 - I have listed and published all particiapents of the 39.Kriegslehrgang an der SS-Verw.Schule Arolsen.

20230105 -  I listed all participants of the 44. Kriegslehrgang an der SS-Verwaltungschule Arolsen

20221212 - I have started to list all participants of the 2 Kriegslehrgang an der SS Junkerschule Tölz

20221211 -  I have started to list all names of the 2.Germanische Lehrg. an der SS-JS Tölz -

20220906 - I have added the names of the 41.SS-Krieslehrgang der Verwaltungschule Arolsen

20220831 -  many new rolls added to my Archive  Microfilm list (mainly rolls from T-175 series)

20220808 - Many new rolls added to my Archive / Microfilm list

20020309 - The names of the cancelled 8.Lehrgang für versehrte SS-Junker an der SS-Junkerschule Tölz bis 15.9.45 is listed. 

20200301 - I have added many new rolls at my page NARA Rolls. There are not stored there but they are in my archive

20200228 -  I have started to list the names of the 13.KJRL and der SS-Pi.Schule Hradischko

20200203 - Some names of the 21.KJL Lehrg an der SS-Verw.Schule Dachau published.

20200203 -  More names on the 4.germ.Lehrgang an der SS-JS Tölz published.

20200118 - I have listed some names of the 15.KJL. a.d. SS-Junkerschule Prag , I find this odd as the 15.SS-KJL was held at SS-JS Klagenfurt. But maybe it´s a misstake by the clerk. Anyone who can give me the right numer of the SS-Junkerlehrgang at Prag I would appriciate it a lot.

20200118 - I have listed SS-Berwerber of the 2.Lehrg f. versehrte SS-Führer a.d. SS-JS Tölz

20200118 - I have started to list all SS-Junkers of the 4.Lehrg.f.Germanische Junker a.d. SS-JS Tölz

20200117 - I have listed the candidates of the 3. Lehrg. a.d. SS-Verwaltungsschule Dachau bis 41
Read it here:

20200113 - More names of SS-Junkers at the 3 FJL Braunschweig 1937

20200112 -  I have started to list names of the 1-KJL Waffen a.d. SS-Pz.Gr.Schule Kienschlag - Click here (Ended)

20200102 - Names of those who attended the 2.RFA Lehrgang am SS-JS Braunschweig (Artillery)

20191210 -  Info about MIA Heinz Sawitzki is updated -

20190723 - A Story about SS-Hascha Norbert Oberzaucher published

20190721 -  A story about SS-Hstuf Heinz Horstmann Published

20190720 -  A story about SS-Obfhr Walther Ewert Published

20190719 -  First story of an SS-Officer published, SS-Stubaf Talbot von Pistor

20190719 -  New page created "Wir Trauern um unsere Kameraden" you find it under page "Wenn alle Brüder Schweigen".

20190703 -  More names and birthdate to 13.KJL a.d. SS-JS Braunschweig

20190702 -  I have started to list the names of the 13.KJL an der SS-JS Braunschweig

20190701 -  I have started to list the names of the candidates of the 3. RFA an der SS-JS Tölz

20190312 -  I started to list the names of the  
6.Kriegs-Reserveführeranwärter-Lehrganges der SS-JS Tölz

20190312 -  Names and birthdate of the SS-Junker at the 
6. Lehrgang für versehrte Führerbewerber z.V. published. 

20190215 - SS-Officers from the 17.SS-KJL at the SS-JS Prag published, more to come

20190214 - More names in the 11. Kriegsjunkerlehrgang an der SS-JS Bad Tölz Published. More to come!

20190210 - Vermisste Soldiers of the SS MIA in different countries outside Germany from 1939 to 1945 published. This is part 1 of this section, more to come.

20190208 - last part of the SS-Soldiers who became MIA inside the German border published. Im currently working on the list of SS-Soldiers who became MIA outside Germany and without any information in wich unit they belonged to.

20190213 -First part of the SS-Officers of the 11.KJL from SS-JS Bad Tölz published

20190207 - As I recieved several mails with the pledge that I should publish the SS-Junkerschaft Courses again, I will give it another try. But if it continues as before I remove it again.

20190205 - Vermisste Part 5 fully published.

20190131 - Vermisste Part 4 published (MIAs as POW - East) Part 5 is coming soon

20190129 - Vermisste Part 3 published (MIAs as POW) I start working with Part 3/B now

20181119 - Complete list of SS-Junkers who attended the 14.KJL an de SS-JS Tölz in 1944 listed

20181107 - Updated following page -

20181029 -  Updated following page -

20180927 - More names in the SS-Führerlist Letter A

20180923 -  More names of the 4.KJL Germ an der SS-Js Tölz Published

20180922 -  Names of the 4.KJL Germ. Officers an der SS-JS Tölz publishes (not complete)

20180919 -  I have started to list offficer on Letter E

20180914 -  More names in the SS-Führerliste Letter A

20180913 - More names in the SS-Führerliste Letter A

20180912 -  All names of the 4.KJL at SS-JS Braunschweig listed

20180910 -  More Names added to Letter A in the SS-Führerliste

20180907 -  More names added to Letter A in the Führerliste

20180905 -  More names added to Letter A in the SS-Führerliste

20180904 - More name at the 4.SS-KJL an der SS-JS Braunschweig

20180903 -  I have started to list officer in the SS-Führerliste on Letter A

20180930  - More name at the 4.SS-KJL an der SS-JS Braunschweig

20180829 - I added names to the Führerliste yesterday, from Berg to Bergert. Today I also started to list the names of those who attended the 5.Kriegslehrgang an der SS-Junkerschule Braunschweig.

20180827 - More names added to SS-Führerliste (Letter B)

20180823 -  All names of the 5. KJL am SS-JS Tölz listed, I will soon list all the names of the 4.KJL am SS-JS Braunschweig

20180822 - More officers on Letter B added to the SS/Waffen-SS Führerliste. Also more names added on the SS-JS Tölz 40/41 course

20180819 -  More name added to KJL an der SS-JS  Tölz 40/41

20180817 -  I have started to list the officer of the 5.Kriegslehrgang an der SS-JS Tölz 40/41

20180816 - The first list of officers of the SS / Waffen-SS are now published. Look under Letter B
20180412 - The Names of the 8 Kriegsjunker Lehrgang an der SS-Junkerschule Braunschweig is coming up.

20180408 - Some photos of the candidates of the 2 Friedens lehrgang published. See under the Lehrgang in question.

20180408 - I have started to list the officers of the 10 TFK Lehrgang - COMPLETED

20180408 - I have started to list the names of 5. K.Reserve Führer Lehrgang an der SS-JS Tölz

20180403 - 4.SS-Panzer Junker Sonderlehrgang an der SS-Schule Königsbrück Listed and COMPLETED

20180331 - I have started to list the officers of the 3. Friedens Jnk. Lehrgang an der SS-JS Braunschweig

20180331 -  The officers of the 2. Friedens Junk.Lehrg. an der SS-JS Braunschweig COMPLETED

20180329 - I have started to list the SS-Ustuf´s of the 1. Friedens Lehrgang an der SS-JS Tölz

20180328 -  I have started to list the candidates of the 3.K.J.L. an der SS-JS Braunschweig - COMPLETED

20180327 - 2. Lehrgang für Versehrte Offiz. an der SS-JS Tölz - COMPLETED

20180326 - I just published a long list of the 3. Lehrgang für Germanische Offizier an der SS-JS Tölz. Hopefully it will be completed today. - COMPLETED

20180325 - I am currently working on the 6.Kriegs Lehrgang an der SS-JS Braunschweig

20180325 - List of Candidates of the 6. Kriegs Lehrgang an der SS-JS Tölz started  - COMPLETED

20180324 - As there only a few who are interessted of those list and wants to contribute to this list I am starting to think to make this lists "private" and only for trusted readers. So don´t be surprised if this page won´t be able to be open for you in the future.

20180324 - List of Candidates of the 6. Kriegs Lehrgang an der SS-JS Braunschweig started. 

20180323 - List of the Officers of the 5. Friedens-Junkerlehrgang an der SS-Junkerschule Tölz Published - COMPLETED

20180323 - I have started to list all the Candidates of the 3. Kriegslehgang an der SS-JS Tölz - COMPLETED

20180323 - I have started to list the Candidates of the 3. Germ.Offz.Lehrgang an der SS-JS Tölz

20180322  - I have started to publish the officers of the 8.TFK-Lehrgang an der Kraftfahrtechnische Lehranstalt der SS- COMPLETED

20180322 - Over 2300 names published in the SS-Junkerschule sektion.

20180322 -  I have now started to publuch the Officers of the 4. Lehrgang für versehrte SS-Führerbewerber and der SS-Junkerschule Tölz  - COMPLETED

20180322 - I have now also started with the 6.Friedens Lehrgang an der SS-JS Braunschweig. A lot of famous names in that list. COMPLETED

20180321 15. Kriegs Lehrgang is completed.

20180321 I have also started to list the Officers of the 14. Kriegslehrgang an der SS-JS Tölz.

20183021 - I am still working on this list, I have now reached to those who became SS-Ustuf der Reserve. Hopefully I will end this course today. Next course in line is the 14.Kriegs-Lehrgang

Currently I am publishing SS Officers of -


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