lördag 12 oktober 2024

SS-Unterscharführer Ludwig Fiesser


Ludwig Fiesser

B. 2.1.1919 in Eppelheim close to Heidelberg. He was baker for profession. 

He joined the SS in 1938, a year later he got his first promotion to SS-Sturmmann, just over a year later he got another promotion this time to SS-Rottenführer. In 1941 he got his last promotion and this time he became SS-Unterscharführer.  Ludwig Fiesser has no awards listed. 

The services he had in this time in the SS was as at first very brief, between 1938 and 1943 he served in a unknown Allg.-SS unit, he was between 1938 and 1943 attached to different Heer units. Of them he last served in the Art.Rgt.21 which ended in 1943 when he was transferred to I./SS-Pz.Rgt. 1 LSSAH, under the command of Max Wünsche. He was for a brief period attached ot the SS-Na.AuE.Rgt. in Nürnberg, most probably it was a course he had to undertake for his future service with in the Waffen-SS. Ludwig was then as many others from the LSSAH transferred to the newly former 12.SS-Pz.Division “Hitlerjugend”, he was there attached to the SS-Pz.Rgt.12. Still under the command of Max Wünsche. This transfer is according to his SS-File on 12.9.1943. But before that he was transferred to the 12.SS he once again had to take a course, this time at the SS-Na.Schule in Metz. Which ended on the same day as he was transferred to 12.SS.

In his file we can read that he had some miner punishment, as one when he had a three day arrest in 1940, this was delivered because he didn’t acted when he got an order about a “alarm befehl” , but those punishment was considered light, but still such punishments was in the eyes of the SS enough to disqualify him as an officer. 

Ludwig Fiesser was Killed in action 17.2.1944 unfortunately is where he got killed unknown,  we suspect that he got killed in an accident or by bombing or similar. As this is before the landing in the Normandy and Ludwig Fiesser is to day buried at the Kriegsfriedhof in Lommel , Belgium. According to the Volksbund they couldn´t make a 100% Id when they reburied Ledwig Fiesser so he is today buried under a stone marked with “Unbekannter Deutsche Soldat”.

This was original posted on our Facebook page where we discuss our project "Führerliste det SS/Waffen-SS -


onsdag 8 maj 2024

Uknown SS-Officers

 In our work listing all the officers of the SS and Waffen-SS we have got a ton of photos of officers who are unknown. We have now started a page where we show face of those unknown SS-Officers. If you recognize any of them. Please send us an email (info@axishistory.com) with the number and the name.

You find the page here: Unknown SS-Officers

Thanks in advance!


måndag 18 mars 2024

Die Führerliste der Allg.-SS und Waffen-SS

 Since a week ago is our first book avaiable for purchase on all Amazon platforms. In the book, dealing with officers with a family name starting on A, you find more than 1300 officers and we managed to get more than 870 photos. 

You can read more about it on the webpage www.führerliste.com 


tisdag 30 maj 2023

SS-Officers with the familyname starting on the Letter A

 I am about to publish my first volume of the officers in the SS and Waffen-SS, my first volume will deal with  officers with the family name starting on A. It will contain biographical info of each officer and the number is approx around 1000 officers. 

As the main source I have used the serie A3343 SSO 001 to 023 from NARA, but I also have and will get the last info from the Bundesarchive. Not to forget all the help I have gotten from fellow researchers. 
BUT, and there is a big BUT! Some officers file doesn´t have photo in the file, they also don´t have a RuSHA or NSDAP file. So now I give a last try and see if there is anyone out there who wants to help me with a photo of the following officers. 

Name - Birthdate - Eventually Nationality
Hermann Abel 28.6.1923
Jakob Abendroth 14.5.1893
Karl Abendroth 30.12.1909
Rudolf Aberle 23.2.1902
Alfred Abraham 2.9.1920 (FIXED)
Kaare Abraham 4.1.1920 (Dänemark)
Heinrich Abresch 27.9.1915
Franz Abt Dr. 4.10.1911
Wolf Günter Abt Dr 13.7.1917
Raffaele Accurso 23.2.1909
Willi Ache 26.5.1922 (FIXED)
Helmut Achnelt 7.11.1913
Kurt Achtzehn 1.2.1898 (FIXED)
Hans Acker 30.12.1913 FIXED
Dietrich Ackermann 21.12.1923
Friedrich Ackermann 8.5.1925
Johann Ackermann 21.1.1903 (Fixed)
Peter Ackermann 22.9.1895
Rudolf Acuntius 13.1.1922 (Fixed)
Alfred Adam 28.8.1899
Alfred Adam 14.1.1891
Erwin Adam 31.10.1920
Hubert Adam 27.2.1900
Arthur Adametz 8.12.1895 (Österreicher)
Oskar Adamik 9.9.1898
Bekir Adamowitsch 10.2.1912
Anton Adams 20.3.1926
Alois Adelmayer 1.5.1910
Karl Aderhold 9.2.1908 (FIXED)
Erwin Adis 25.4.1908
Adam Adler 12.4.1898 (FIXED)
Günther Adler Dr 31.7.1918
Hubert Adler 3.10.1920
Rudolf Adler 2.11.1923
Werner Adolph 18.9.1903
Rudi Adomeit 25.3.1923
Friedrich Adoy 11.5.1911
Hermann Adrian  22.7.1905
Rudolf Adrian 6.7.1924
Gerhard Aegerter ??
Dr Aaetzmann ??
Chadshimurat Afaunow 10.5.1912
Martin Ahl 15.10.1904
Fritz Ahlborn 6.5.1903 (FIXED)
Hinrich Ahnfeldt 16.4.1906 (Österreicher)
Joachim Ahrend 15.5.1892
Waldemar Ahrendt 9.4.1908
Alfred Ahrens 3.4.1912
Hermann Ahrens 1.10.1925
Günther Aigner 8.5.1924
Dr Pawels Aispurs 1.4.1916 (Latvijan)
Arvids Aisters 24.1.1910) (Latvijan) (FIXED)
Miervaldis Aiviekste  2.12.1917 (Latvijan)
Ewald Akemann ??
Bob Reinier Akkermann 12.9.1921
Paul Akkermann 25.8.1920
Endré Albeck Dr 17.8.1917
Paul Alber 12.4.1898
Heinz Albermann 9.11.1912
Wilhelm Albers 14.9.1911
Wilhelm Albert 1.9.1923 FIXED
Werner Alberth 12.7.1906
Peter Alberti Dr 22.3.1910
Richard Alberti Dr 4.8.1901 FIXED
Fritz Albrecht 8.3.1923
Gerhard Albrecht 12.4.1925
Gustav Albrecht 21.9.1888 (FIXED)
Hans Albrecht 14.4.1907
Heino Albrecht 9.3.1921
Josef Albrecht 29.11.1902
Karl Albrecht 8.11.1897
 Kurt Albrecht 30.1.1892
Richard Albrecht 4.12.1925
Rudolf Albrecht 21.7.1904
Werner Albrecht 23.3.1907 FIXED
Werner Albrecht 25.6.1909
Theodor Albus 22.7.1904
Wilhelm von Alemann 17.7.1920
Konstantin Alexander 20.7.1907
Emil Alf 14.1.1914
Alfred Alhäuser 13.8.1891
Houterman Allaart 8.9.1916
Heinrich Allendorf Dr 21.1.1910
Wilhelm Allers 31.5.1886
Johann Allgeuer 12.7.1898
Friedrich Allgöwer 23.7.1902
Wolfgang Allhoff 25.9.1924

More will come.

Any help is MUCH Appriciated. You reach me on georg68schwab@gmail.com

Best regards


söndag 9 april 2023

19.Kiegs Junkerschaftlehrganges an der SS-Junkerschule Klagenfurt


I have started to list all the names of one of the last SS-Junkschule Lehrgangs that occured in full. This one is the 19.SS-Kriegs Junkerlehrgang an der SS-Junkerschule Klagenfurt started in november 1944 and was due to finish in march 1945.

You find the course under the meny "SS-Junkerschule Courses" or by clicking on this link:


I will continue to ad the names on the empty units tomorrow.

Best regards


fredag 7 april 2023

SS-Sturmbannführer Otto Vollmar Vermisst Berlin May 1945

 I have previously published some info about Otto Vollmar, thanks for this post I got in contact with the family of Otto Vollmar and they have generously shared some photos of Otto Vollmar. i don´t publish them all here. But I publish what I wrote about Otto Vollmar for his daughter and grandchildren.




Otto Vollmar

SS-Sturmbannführer - 20.4.1943                             SS-Nr: 257311
SS-Hauptsturmführer – 1.12.1939                           NSDAP Nr: fr.1937
SS-Obersturmführer – 9.11.1936
SS-Unterturmführer – 9.11.1935

Awards: Ehrendegen der SS (Honory sword of the SS) Julleuchter (Candle lamp for the members of the SS) SA-Sportabzeichen in Bronze (Sport award for all SA and SS Members) Reitersportabzeichen im Bronze (Horse Sport award) Reichsport Abzeichen in Bronze (Reichsport award) Eiserne Kreuz I Klasse (Iron Cross 1: Class) Eiserne Kreuz II Klasse (Iron Cross 2:nd Class) Kriegsverdienst Kreuz mit Schwerten I Klasse (War merit Cross with sword 1: Class) Kriegsverdienst Kreuz mit Schwerten II Klasee ( War merit cross with swords II:nd Class). Ostmedallie 41/42 (Campaign medal for those who fought in Russia the winter 41/42) Infanterie Sturmabzeichen (Infantry assault medal)

Otto Vollmar was born on the 8 of February 1903 in Lütteringhausen. In school he studied to become a insurance clerk. But after he ended school he choose to join the military. Between 1921 and 1933 he served in the Reichswehr, the 100 000 army that
Germany was allowed to have after the Versailles

Treaty. After that Hitler came to power in 1933 the army
changed it course and name, but Otto Vollmar still
stayed in the army until 1935, , his final rank in the army
was Feldwebel (Sergeant) , a year he despite all his years
in the regular army joined the SS and there their military
wing which during the early years was called the SS-
Verfügungstruppe – SS-VT (SS Troops for any task). His
SS number became 257 311. One reason why Otto choose to
switch to the SS, can be that he from 1934 and until his final days in the Army was a trainer at the SS-Führerschule Otto as SS-Hauptscharführer 1935 (SS-Leader school) at Fröndenberg. At the beginning Otto Vollmar didn ́t join the Naziparty, which wasn ́t uncommon among SS-Soldiers they thought that it was enough to be SS Men, and no need to be party members. But Otto did join the organization Lebensborn, which was one of RFSS Himmlers creations and something he encouraged his SS-Men to join.

At the beginning Otto Vollmar was “only” SS-Hauptscharführer (Sergeant major) but only a few months after his service in the SS begun the commander of the II battalion of SS-Standarte  Otto Vollmar to become a SS-Untersturmführer (junior Leutnant) all other officers of the Standarte also approved this recommendation.

 The officer who recommended Otto to become a Officer is the future SS-Obergruppenführer Walter Krüger. He was at the end of the war a commander in chief of an

Army, and is reported as missing in Latvija on May 23,
1945 when he and other soldiers tried to fight their
way back to Germany.

Walter Krüger as SS-Obergruppenführer to the right

But before he left the Army he married Marianne Röder, born on 27.9.1908 in Elberfeld. The marriage was soon crowned with three children who came in rapid speed, a daughter born on the 15.1.1931 another daughter on 22.6.1935 and finally a son who was born on 14.9.1937.


Otto Vollmar with fellow NCO ́s in SS-Standarte "Germania"

Otto Vollmars first task in the SS was as platoon leader (Zugführer) in the Eight Company of the second battalion in the SS-Standarte “Germania” – SS-VT. In 1938 he was transferred to the I battalion of the SS-Standarte “Germania”. At this time Otto had som problems as he was cought drinking alcohol within the barracks. His punishment was a light 8 days of arrest.

But soon he was transferred again, this time to the Horse Platoon of the SS-Standarte “Germania” His Platoon was on horse back, and the photos of Otto on the back of a horse is from the years from 1938 and onwards. In 1937 Otto Vollmar joined the NSDAP, unfortunately is his member number unknown.

Otto Vollmar in head of his Horse Platoon of the SS-Standarte "Germania" 

In  1939 was Otto Vollmar once again transferred, but still within the SS-Standarte Germania, he was at first SS-Obersturmführer, but later and three months after the World War II had begun was he promoted to SS-Hauptsturmführer (Captain) . His new assignment was withtin the staff of the SS-Standarte. And He was respocible for the Aidees of the regiment, the photo at top od this story about Otto Vollmar show him from that time. When the SS-Division “Wiking” was established, and the core of the new Division was SS-Regiment “Germania” Otto Vollmar followed after, and was from 1940 part of the SS-Divison “Wiking”. He was at that time Company Commander of the light Infantry Company in SS-Regiment Germania.

In 1942 he got a new assignment within the SS-Divison Wiking, which at this time had become a SS-Panzer Grenadier Division. His new task was as responcible for the Divisions staff quarter. His Commander in Chief SS-Gruppenführer Felix Steiner, wrote a very nice letter of recommendation (for his promotion) about Otto Vollmar., in which he writes that Otto is a good comrade and a very good at organization , he strongly recommend similar tasks for Otto Vollmar. After that he got the promotion to SS-Sturmbannführer (Major).

Felix Steiner was at the end of the war SS-Obergruppen-
führer and commander in Chief of the III. SS-(Germanische)
Panzer Korps, in which 11.SS-Frw.Pz.Gr. Nordland was part of.
Felix Steiner survived the war and was until his death in 1966
a regulare visitor to different meetings for Veterans of the
Waffen-SS, he also published a couple of books about the


When the 11.SS-Freiwillige Panzer Grenadier Division Nordland was established in the summer of 1943, the core of officers for that new Division came from SS-Division Wiking as it was one of that divisions Regiment (Nordland) was the core of the Division. With that also Otto Vollmar was transferred to the new Division. He had the same assignment as he had in the Wiking Division, i.e. Responsible for the Staff quarter of the Division. He was still liked as a friend a colleague, as one of the letters written about Otto tell almost the same as what  the SS-Gruppenführer Steiner previously wrote about him. A couple of photos shows clearly that he had friends among his fellow officers. As when SS-Sturmbannführer Otto-Friedrich Gläsker was awarded the german Cross in Silver Otto is among those who are celebrating Gläskers award. In the photo we can see a unidentified major from the Army, SS-Stubaf Otto Friedrich Gläsker, SS-Hauptsturmführer Heinz Hämel (with Knights Cross) , SS-Stubaf Otto Vollmar and a unidentified SS-Obersturmführer or SS-Hauptsturmführer.

From Left. To Right: Unknown, O.F. Gläsker, H. Hämel, O. Vollmar and Unidentified Officer

As the SS-Pz.Gr.Div Norland fought on the battle front in Estonia and Latvija, the Division had severe casualties, which forced the German high command to after new years ewe of 1944/1945 to withdrawn the Division to eastern Germany and with the task to defend the reich. The SS-Pz.Gr.Div. Nordland had many volunteers from many different western countries such as the Netherland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Iceland. For a short while in march 1945 the Britische Freikorps der SS (UK Volonteers in the SS) was attached to the Recon Battalion of the Division (SS-Pz.A.A.11) . The division fought all the way from the eastern borders of the reich into the capitol Berlin and defended Hitler and his entourage. The fight was totally in vain and the SS-Division Nordland was almost totally destroyd, the few survivors was either captured by the Soviets, many was summarily shot on the spot, other vanished into the Gulag system of the Soviets.

A Few was lucky to be able to sneak out of Berlin and made their way to the west and surrender to the western allied. Unfortunately wasn ́t that the case with Otto Vollmar, he is among a number of other soldiers of the 11.SS-Frw.Pz.Gr.Div. Nordland are reported as missed in action on the 2:nd of  May 1945. After that all trace of Otto Vollmar ceased to exist. After the war the HIAG (Waffen-SSveteran organisation) tried to get some info about the soldiers who was MIA during and after the war, Otto Vollmar was often published in their own magazin “Der Freiwillige” but despite all attempts to get a final destiny for Otto Vollmar all efforts was in vain and he is in 2023 still listed as MIA on the 2.5.1945 in Berlin. The HIAG had a motto ,a another version of the motto of the SS, which was “Seine Ehre Heisst treue” something they often used when

they tried to make other Waffen-SS members to come forward and tell what they know. The also said “Suchdienst is ehren dienst” (Search aide is honory service).

   Above we can see one of all the Search ads that was published in the monthly magazin "DerFreiwillige". That paper first started under the name "Wiking  Ruf" in 1956, but from 1960 and until it ceased to exist in 2013 they changed the name to "Der Freiwillige".

Since Otto Vollmar served at SS-Standarte "Germania" who was located in three different town, Hamburg who was the head of the SS-Standarte, but the Radolfzell and Arolsen, as Otto ́s unit was located in Arolsen was his family also located there. They lived at the Parkstrasse 18 in Arolsen. See photo from Google Maps.

(C) Georg Schwab Uppsala 2023

lördag 10 december 2022

 Long time since I updated the page, but I have started to list all members of the 4.SS-RFA Lehrgang an der SS-Unterführer Schule Radolfzell. i have written down four pages so far, I have 4,5 pages left.

You can click here on the link, or visit it under the page "SS-Junkerschulen/Courses"


Best regards
