lördag 12 oktober 2024

SS-Unterscharführer Ludwig Fiesser


Ludwig Fiesser

B. 2.1.1919 in Eppelheim close to Heidelberg. He was baker for profession. 

He joined the SS in 1938, a year later he got his first promotion to SS-Sturmmann, just over a year later he got another promotion this time to SS-Rottenführer. In 1941 he got his last promotion and this time he became SS-Unterscharführer.  Ludwig Fiesser has no awards listed. 

The services he had in this time in the SS was as at first very brief, between 1938 and 1943 he served in a unknown Allg.-SS unit, he was between 1938 and 1943 attached to different Heer units. Of them he last served in the Art.Rgt.21 which ended in 1943 when he was transferred to I./SS-Pz.Rgt. 1 LSSAH, under the command of Max Wünsche. He was for a brief period attached ot the SS-Na.AuE.Rgt. in Nürnberg, most probably it was a course he had to undertake for his future service with in the Waffen-SS. Ludwig was then as many others from the LSSAH transferred to the newly former 12.SS-Pz.Division “Hitlerjugend”, he was there attached to the SS-Pz.Rgt.12. Still under the command of Max Wünsche. This transfer is according to his SS-File on 12.9.1943. But before that he was transferred to the 12.SS he once again had to take a course, this time at the SS-Na.Schule in Metz. Which ended on the same day as he was transferred to 12.SS.

In his file we can read that he had some miner punishment, as one when he had a three day arrest in 1940, this was delivered because he didn’t acted when he got an order about a “alarm befehl” , but those punishment was considered light, but still such punishments was in the eyes of the SS enough to disqualify him as an officer. 

Ludwig Fiesser was Killed in action 17.2.1944 unfortunately is where he got killed unknown,  we suspect that he got killed in an accident or by bombing or similar. As this is before the landing in the Normandy and Ludwig Fiesser is to day buried at the Kriegsfriedhof in Lommel , Belgium. According to the Volksbund they couldn´t make a 100% Id when they reburied Ledwig Fiesser so he is today buried under a stone marked with “Unbekannter Deutsche Soldat”.

This was original posted on our Facebook page where we discuss our project "Führerliste det SS/Waffen-SS -


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