måndag 26 augusti 2019

SS-Sturmbannführer Helmut Heinze Vermisst 2.1944


Helmut Heinze

DoB: 9.7.1904 in Kusel
Vermisst :; 2.1944 in Tscherkassy

SS-Nr: 279186
NSDAP Nr: 5893588

SS-Stubaf: 21.6.1942
SS-Hstuf: 20.4.1940

Known awards:

Known Units:
SS-San.Abt.5 "Wiking" : 1941 - 1944

Helmut Heinze is a bit of a strange story. He is abviously joining the Waffen-SS and Allgeimen-SS late, (1940 or later) His first appearence is in the SS-DAL of 1942, no sign of him in SS-DAL of 1938. In the DAL of 42 there is NO awards listed on Helmut Heinze, a bit strange he should atleast have KvK II but nothing.

He went missing on the break out of the Tschkassy pocket. And his family have tried to "denazificate" the photo of him at DRK as the have removed the deathhead and the SS-Runes. I attached a skull in the cap.

Sources: SS-DAL of 42, Fhrliste der NARA, Serge, DRK

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