onsdag 24 juli 2019

SS-Sturmbannführer Kurt Stage - Später erklärt


Kurt Stage
Geboren: 6.1.1900 in Potsdam
Hingerichtet: 19.8.1947 in Lubljana (Laibach)
According to DRK MIA as a POW to English Forces.

SS-Nr: 36221
NSDAP-Nr: 21171

SS-Stubaf: 30.1.37
SS-Hstuf - 20.4.35
SS-Ostuf: 1.9.32
SS-Ustuf: 13.10.31

Known units
KdS / SD u SS-Pol.Fhr in Marburg : 1944-1945
KdS / SD u SS-Pol.Fhr in Tromsö (Norway) 1942-1944
RSHA IV C4 : 1941 - (Chef)
RSHA IV 1a : 1935 - 1941

Known awards
Goldene Parteiabz.
Totenkopfring d. RFSS
Ehrendegen d. SS

Kurt Stage joined the NSDAP as early as in 1925, shortly afterwards even to the SA. Was in 1930 appointed to form and raise the SS-Sturm Potsdam,which he did. In 1931 he was appointed to Pressereferent for RFSS. In 1934 he became he member of the SD (Sicherheitsdienst) and in 1935 he became part of Gestapo Department IV 1a.

Kurt Stage was in 1941 sent to Norway, and  remained his task to search for partisans  and anti german groups. After Norway he was sent to Marburg (Slowenia) with the same task as in Norway. In this office he would remain until the end of the war. Stage fleed to Austria and hid. He was later taken and placed in a POW camp Tamsweg. In wich he would be arrested on June 1 1945 by British Forces.
Newspaper announcing Stages sentence

Stage was also a witness in the Nürnberg process and was later placed in the UK POW camp for SS personell at Neuengamme. From this camp was he turned over to the Yugoslawia Forces in october 1946. They held a trial against Stage and was later sentenced to death and it was carried out in August 1947.

Obviusly didn´t Kurt Stages family know his fate and reported him as MIA to the DRK. In the ad is he listed as SS-Sturmmann (Private). When they did that he had been dead for years. Kurt Stage is not the only one who had this fate. Many others had been taken by Allied and Russian forces and without letting the familys know their relatives fate. More will come about those examples.

Sources: Dienstalterliste, SS-Verordnungsblatt, AHF, Wikipidea, DRK

10 kommentarer:

  1. Killed for Germanizing ? WTF. The aftermath of WW2 and the many ,many murders of Germans was insane . At Nurenburg we executed hundreds of Germans. The worse charge was slave labor(we never found any evidence of gas chambers or gasssing, that was a Soviet claim). However we deliberately murdered civilians by carpet bombing hundreds of German cities. Millions of Germans were killed this way. Mostly women, children and old men. Germany drafted 16 to 65 years old the last year of the war so we knew we were murdering innocents. But winners write the fake history, and no one will ever be held responsible for these atrocities.

    1. https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/gassing-operations
      but I do agree that carpet bombing is an atrocity in itself, and it is good it isn't done anymore.

    2. Keithbee13. Do humanity a favor and put a bullet in your brain. I doubt anyone would miss you.

  2. Do a little history research. US and our Allies did find proof of Nazi extermination camps including many many pictures snuck out of the camps with letters. Not to mention the few dozen escapees who survived by running before liberation of the camps. Denial is just a conspiracy theory with a different name. Like bigot is to the word racist. Same meaning, different word. Allies simply returned the civilian bombing on Germany that Germany cowardly inflicted first on Poland, France, England, etc. Germany got what they diserved....a red wave of angry Russians wanting revenge and they got it.
    Now, Japan got off too easy. That country should have had every single soldier from the bottom to the top all hung, shot, or buried alive. Germany got what was coming to it. And they knew it was true and didn't complain about the occupation not until many many years later when next generation grew up.

    1. How can you possibly say Japan got of easy? They had 2 Atom bombs dropped on them. That was Devastating!

  3. Den här kommentaren har tagits bort av skribenten.

  4. Then you just have to explain to me the meaning of the German carpet bombing of Many English cities as well as their bombing of the same cities with V-1 and V-2 rockets that also exterminated many people, men, women children and the elderly. So is it also something that the winners have just written because they won? Because if you believe in what you write yourself, then you might also believe in Santa Claus and his elves, trolls and elves ....

  5. Scheyxx Mörder.... JUSTICE IS DONE..
    NEVER AGAIN... NO dictators in Europe!!
